My Collection of User interface Designs

To Do App

UI of to do list app, it allows you to add, save, delete task + doing them in bulk
(.Net MAUI, Xamarin, C#, SQLite )

Mobile App UI

UI usecase showing exception/Invalid. Made for SENG-2130
(systems design & Analysis)

Control Pause menu

Reimagined Remedy's 2019 Control pause menu for INFT 3960
(Games Production)

AR UI mockup

Fully functional mockup for an augmented reality project called Digital museum. Made with Figma and Adobe Premier Pro. For SENG 2260 (Human-Computer-Interaction) Watch Demo!

Game Display Settings

UI Mockup of a game's display settings menu to be implemented in Unreal Engine 4.27.
Made for DESN 2600

Game Graphics Settings

UI Mockup of a game's Graphics settings menu to be implemented in Unreal Engine 4.27.
Made for DESN 2600

PDS Login form

A UI project that aims to redesign the look of PDS's login form